Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What Can Happen In An Hour And A Half

Is it Wednesday already??? The week is just flying by! The boys started back to school (ESY) on Monday, so I've had mornings to myself all week. The behaviorist has been coming every day after lunch and working with the boys. Ethan has only gotten up in the middle of the night once since she started and that was so he could get a drink(s)-he drank 3 glasses of milk and went back to bed. It's been great. Even though Ethan and Dylan were only off for two weeks, they are having a hard time getting back into the swing of things. Both of them are very tired in the afternoons. Dylan is not happy at all with going back to school and cries when he gets out of the van. He doesn't act up or have a meltdown, he is just really sad. I feel so bad for him. I hate to see my boys sad.

It's funny how things can be going really well and then start to fall apart in a matter of minutes. Take Monday afternoon for instance. A good day all day until about 5:30 when Tod IM's me to tell me he's in a conference call with Taiwan and will be late coming home. I always feel bad for Tod and the boys when Tod can't at least be there for bedtime. Anyway--I put on some water and started cooking macaroni for macaroni and cheese. While the macaroni was cooking, Tim called. We chatted for a while until Dylan had to go to the bathroom. I hung up and on our way to the bathroom I noticed the macaroni was boiling over. I turned it off, got to the bathroom too late for Dylan, cleaned that up and went back to cooking dinner. The macaroni was ruined. I opened another box, started the water boiling, put the macaroni in and noticed Ethan had been in the bathroom for a really long time. Went to check on him and he was sitting on the rug wiping something off his legs with his hands. Yes, you're right, IT was everywhere. So I threw Ethan in the shower, cleaned up the bathroom, put all the clothes, towels and rugs (Tod says when the rugs are missing in the bathroom, he knows we had potty training problems) in the washer to soak. I went back to cooking dinner and guess what?? the macaroni had boiled over and was ruined! So I opened a third box! Dinner was really late by this time and I hurried and finished it, put it on the table and.... No one would eat it!
(Sorry this is so long, but a lot can happen in an hour and a half). Now, dinner is done, I'm rinsing off dishes and getting snack ready for school the next day. I turn around from the sink and it looks like it snowed in our kitchen and dining area and entry way and hall and family room!! One of the boys' squishy pillows had sprung a leak (I found the dead carcass in the living room) and they were spreading the teeny tiny little styrofoam pebbles all over the house. Apparently, they were taking their stuffed animals sledding! I get the vacuum out and started cleaning the mess. Fortunately they clean up pretty easily. When I unplug the vacuum to move it to the next room I hear water running. Ethan decided to clean up his stuffed bear in the kitchen sink. I let him finish and then put the bear up to dry. This is when the screaming starts. Ethan is furious with me for putting the bear up. I brought it down, let him feel how wet it was, but it didn't matter, he was on his way! Screaming and crying and starting to really melt down. So the bear went into the garage where the washer and dryer are. Ethan starts slamming into the door to the garage with his other stuffed toys and then throwing himself to the ground. All the while Dylan has been watching and decides, "hey, that looks like fun!" and Dylan starts slamming toys into the door and throwing himself to the ground, giggling the whole time.
About this time I'm about to lose it, too, when "Dragon Tales" comes on the television. The screaming and crying stop, both boys start singing with the tv and when Tod gets home, everything is wonderful. With all that happened, bed time started late so Tod was able to put them to bed after all.

til later

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