Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Happy Solstice

Happy Solstice! The longest day of the year was pretty ok in my book. I had a sitter for three hours this afternoon. 1-1/2 hours of that time was to go to therapy, which is a good thing (Hi Sheila), and the rest of the time was spent at Walmart. It was nice to get out by myself. I'm still feeling mighty low these days. I haven't felt 100% since I had bronchitis a month ago. I was starting to feel pretty good last week and then this stomach thing hit over the weekend. I'm getting tired of being so tired. When you're bipolar, it's difficult to know sometimes if you're actually getting sick or the depressive part of the disorder is kicking in. And then there's all the guilt that comes along with not feeling up to doing everything you should be doing. Ah, too complicated to think about tonight, I'm just too tired!

Tomorrow the behaviorist is coming back to observe the boys more. I like her, she's had a lot of experience with autism and she picked up on a lot things that most "professionals" don't. She was doing joint compression and extensions on Dylan and she knew what she was doing! And she was also very understanding of all my concerns. She'll be working with us indefinately at home and she'll also be going on outings with us to help with some of the "elopement" problem.
Sorry, folks, but I'm all done tonight. Time to sit and stare for a while ;-)

til later

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