Monday, October 31, 2005

The Retun of The Spiders

The boys and dad loved trick or treating, although dad says they were shy and had a hard time remembering to say "trick or treat" and "thank you". Tod said they got many comments on how cute they looked. After they came home and got their costumes off, they almost had more fun helping dad answer the door. It was great to watch them run when the door bell rang and say "trick or treat" and "thank you" then - much to dad's chagrin. They got lots of candy, didn't eat any of it and were still hyped up for quite a while before bedtime. The extra candy is going to work with dad. Happy Halloween. I'm tired.

til later....


Anonymous said...

Awww! They look so cute!! Glad y'all had a fun time. I love Halloween too but sadly I didn't get to do anything =(. Oh well maybe next year! Anyway have a GREAT day...<3 Krissy

Shirley said...

Thanks, Kristina! I thought they were adorable, too.
I know I'm too old to trick or treat, but I love the decorations and seeing the kids have fun!~Shirley