Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Not Much Happening Here

We are all ok. School is going well for the boys. Ethan and Dylan have both lost 3 lower teeth. Ethan still hasn't lost the black one on top.

Tod had to go into the city Saturday to fix some equipment at the new store for their opening day, so we didn't see much of him this past weekend. He will probably have to go back again tomorrow. Fortunately the BART stops just 4 blocks from the store so he doesn't have to drive in. I don't see how people drive over those bridges everyday going into the city. They are scary enough on their own plus they are always congested. No Thanks! BART works for me.

This weekend we have a sitter for Saturday. We're not sure what we want to do. The Pumpkin Festival is going on in Half Moon Bay this weekend. But this is the first time the new sitter has been alone with the boys and I don't know if I want to be gone that long, especially since, if there was an emergency, it would take a long time to get back home. There are only 3 ways to get in to Half Moon Bay....along the coast from the north, along the coast from the south and across the peninsula. All roads will be packed that day. They get about 250,000 people every year for this festival. I think the best way to get the most from the festival would be to get a B&B the night before. Now wouldn't that be fun! Although you would probably have to reserve it now. So we may go to a movie or down to San Jose where they have a huge flea market. We're not sure.

We like the new sitter and she is working with the behaviorist and that is really cool. She can work on things with the boys and will know a lot about schedules and stuff for when she is here alone with the boys. I won't have to teach it to her - she will be learning right along side me.

The leaves are starting to change colors here. Fall was so pretty here last year and the colors lasted a long time. Right now we get about 80 degrees in the day and 50 at night. So no air conditioning or heat - which helps with utility costs. Especially since natural gas is supposed to go through the roof this winter.

til later...

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