Monday, October 31, 2005

THE night

Spiders, spiders. Creepy crawlies. That's what we have tonight at our house. Our eight legged friends (and their dad) are still trick or treating. Who knows how long they will last. It's a beautiful evening and lots of costumed children and adults on the sidewalks. I told Tod he should have dressed like a big fly! The boys don't really care for candy that much. Ethan likes to sit down and open every single piece and not eat any of it. Dylan will eat the suckers until they get too stuck on something and then he finds another. Tod is so happy to be taking them out tonight. Last year he was in Taiwan for Halloween and so disappointed he wouldn't be able to go. Luckily for me, Aunt Gerrie was here and she handed out candy while I took the boys out and met some of the neighbors. I think that's the first and last time I've spoken to most of them.
I'll write more when they return.

til later....

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