Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bunk Beds - AAHHH!

Yes, it's true, Tod turned the boys' twin beds into bunk beds. They really need another dresser in their room and there is no other way to do it. They were very excited about the bunk beds and practiced climbing up and down the ladder all evening. The hardest lesson they learned, though, was that you cannot jump on the bed any more. Both of them bumped their heads on the ceiling really hard. But it only took a couple times before they became very aware of the small space between their heads and the ceiling. Ethan decided the top bunk was his since Dad put his bed on top of Dylan's bed. And Dylan agreed that he would keep his same bed. I was up all night worried that Ethan would try to crawl out of bed half asleep and not remember he was up in the air. He gets out of bed at least once almost every night. He got up at 4am and I got to his room just as he reached the bottom rung, so he did just fine. I hope he does as well tonight. Gosh these guys are growing up so fast.

til later....

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