Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Latest

For those of you who got a little misty eyed reading about Dylan's traumatic first day, you'll be happy to know that the last two days he has been singing on the way to school and even smiling(yes, smiling!) when he gets out of the car. Of course everyone in the classroom is just getting used to each other and the school day for this first week so we'll see how he is when the real work starts!
Tod and I are driving the boys to and from school. The bus co. told me that their contract with the school district said the kids can be on the buses up to 90 minutes one way. When Tod asked the director of sped about that, he would "neither confirm or deny" that statement and wanted to know who I talked to. See how sd's can be so secretive? They act like it's a matter of national security! Anyway, Tod takes Ethan in the morning and I take Dylan. Except on Wed. when school starts later, then I take them both and Dylan is early and Ethan is late. I pick them both up in the after noon. Ethan gets out of school 10 minutes before Dylan. It can be stressful some days.
Ethan is doing ok, starting to get the hang of the routine. But Dylan's teacher stopped me yesterday and said she would advocate for Ethan to be in the same school as Dylan if that's what we wanted. So it looks like IEP time again. I think they might as well book us in advance for an IEP meeting every 6 months.

We got orders from the neurologist at Stanford to have Dylan's depakote levels checked. Then the neurologist wants to see Dylan in person (awfully nice of him). He might do a 24 or 48 hour EEG after that. We don't know if he could do that at home or if there would be a hospital stay involved. We haven't seen any seizures or aftermaths of seizure in a while. But that was one reason I really didn't want him on the bus for 1-1/2 hours. Who would notice, if he did have a seizure? I have to tell you, on Monday when I got him off the bus after riding for 1-1/2 hours, the look on his face before he noticed me just broke my heart! He looked so forlorned an abandoned. Anyway, I'll let you know of any more news.

As far as my kidney stones, well there's a whole other story. I went to the hospital for pre-op tests yesterday and there was a problem with my EKG. So it looks like my procedure tomorrow most likely will be postponed. This happened to me one other time and I had a bunch of cardiology tests and it turned out to be nothing. Anyway, the cardiology and anesthesiologist here are comparing my last EKG with this one from yesterday. What they find will determine if I go in tomorrow. I was so looking forward to getting this over with so the kidney pain would stop. Pain is so inconvenient! And it messes up everyone else's day if your doubled over and can't get snack quickly or help with the dishes. Tod's back, by the way, is doing much better. He still has pain when he moves certain ways, but it's much better than it was. The boys are so happy to have him out back playing with them again!

til later...


Anonymous said...

It sounds like the boys are doing better. Now it's your turn. Have a better day tomorrow-----I Hope!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Dylan has been singing on the way to school.