Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Got Milk?

Yesterday I had just started dinner and sat down on the sofa to read the mail. The boys came in from outside and sat on either side of me.
"Ice cream?" Ethan asked. "No, I just started dinner." "WWWWAAAA" He runs screaming through the house and then sits down next to me.
"Cake?" Dylan asked. "No, I don't think..." "WWWWAAAAA" He runs screaming through the kitchen and then sits back down next to me.
"Goldfish?" Ethan asked. "Well, maybe with di...." "WWWWAAAA" He runs screaming through the house and then sits back down next to me.
"Milk?" Dylan asks. "Yes, you can have milk. It's on the table." "Yeah, Milk!" they both scream and run to the table.
Good thing I had milk.

til later.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's sooo funny and I'm right there. . . .