Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Weekend??

Tod didn't have to go to Beverly Hills today so that was nice. It seems that the people at Hannspree who dropped the ball in the first place still haven't been able to get their act together enough to figure out what to do about it.

Still our Saturday started with trying to potty train Dylan. The SD is really pushing us to get the potty training done before school starts. They have a policy that students have to be potty trained for certain classes. I guess it doesn't matter that a policy like that is against federal law. Anyway, Ethan is doing pretty good. Still doesn't like to poop in the potty and maybe once a day gets too busy playing to run to the bathroom and has an accident. Dylan, on the other hand, just doesn't seem to "get it". We started yesterday with big boy underwear and taking him to the bathroom every 30 minutes. We quickly changed to every 15 minutes and still couldn't catch him to go in the toilet. We mopped floors and cleaned carpets all day. He just isn't making the connection, no matter how often he sees his brother or dad or how much time he spends in the bathroom.

I don't know how much of this was bothering Dylan, but he couldn't sleep last night. He was up until after ten and then got up this morning at 2:30am for the day. Everyone (except Ethan) is tired and crabby. Dylan is back in pull ups and they (SD) are going to start hassling me again tomorrow. Do you remember I told you about the behaviorist from the SD who tried to potty train Dylan and he got so upset he started banging his head on the shower door? Well she is a good friend of the boys' summer school teacher. And, she also just got fired. Don't know what to think of all that.

So the weekend wasn't all that great. Nothing much got accomplished. No one got any rest or relief from stress. And Monday morning looms like Damocles sword. Ok, ok, that's a little dramatic, but you get the idea.

til later

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