Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dylan Update

The doctor thinks Dylan may be having Petit Mal seizures or worse. He's going in to Stanford for an EEG, but the soonest he can get in is the second week in August. They still haven't called back with an exact date for the test but I'm hoping it's either before or after my trip to Rockford. The nurse at Stanford did tell me how to handle seizures of all kinds and severities, just in case. And she said to watch him closely, especially in the tub or around water. He's not sleeping as much as he was and his language and connectedness seem better. Maybe the seizure actually reconnected some wires. Who knows. Anyway, I'll keep you posted.

On another note, I had my CT scan this morning and will see the doctor this afternoon about my kidney stone. I will be glad to know where I stand with that, too

Otherwise, I'm counting the days til my trip to Rockford and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

till later....

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