Saturday, July 23, 2005

Don't Read This If You Have A Weak Stomach

As you may recall from my last post, Ethan had been making confetti out of his poop. He has stopped that for now, but not without really grossing me out before he did. Thursday I was doing laundry. I emptied the clean clothes from the washer into the dryer and saw what I thought was a stone at the bottom of the washer. Well, you can imagine what it really was!!! I just about lost it. My first response was to throw all the clothes away and buy a new washer and dryer. That wasn't exactly in the budget, though. So all the clothes had to be shook out and the washer had to be cleaned and bleached out. I think I would rather change diapers for 6 more years than go through any more potty training fun. It's a control issue, I'm sure. As well as a gross out issue.
The good thing that came out of this is that Tod felt sorry for me and made an appointment for me to get a little pampering.... manicure and pedicure, this afternoon at 1pm. I've always wanted a pedicure and I do wear sandals all the time now. It was a really sweet thing for Tod to do. Either that or it was a calculated action to keep me from loosing my mind. Either way, I'm thrilled!!!

till later

1 comment:

Unknown said...

. . . wow. . .

words cannot express.......