Monday, November 21, 2005

The Weekend

Well, Tod ended up not working Sunday, so the weekend wasn't a complete loss. He got lots of e-cards and snail mail cards that he appreciated even more this year. Saturday while he was at work, the boys and I made his favorite meal and decorated the house. We had a "surprise" party when he got home. Spiderman was the the theme - I thought a Harry Potter theme would be cruel - so we had Spiderman decorations, goodie bags, plates and napkins and even a Spiderman game... stick Spiderman on the tallest building (like pin the tail on the donkey). The boys had a great time, although it was difficult for Ethan not to open Tod's presents. I think Tod was so happy he was home and didn't have to go in the next day, that was the best present for him.
Sunday he slept late and I had his favorite eclairs for him for breakfast. The boys were all over him he could hardly read the paper, they really missed him. Then I went to a craft show at the fairgrounds for a couple hours. My gift to Tod was that he didn't have to come with. He and the boys just hung around the house and he was happy. Later we all went outside and played tag and t-ball. Ethan is actually getting quite good at t-ball. He hits the ball to the fence almost every time and runs the bases in order. The only problem is that he brings the bat with him around the bases - makes you kind of afraid to tag him ;-)

I'm not looking forward to keeping them busy and happy all week by myself. Especially since Tod won't have Thurs and Friday off. I'm checking into an organization called "Special Nannies". It's an employment agency that provides nannies with experience in kids with special needs. We wouldn't need someone full time and with the state contributing to respite, we might be able to get them to chip in a little more, at least until I'm recovered from the surgery. I've emailed them to send us the questionnaire to see if our needs meet what they have to offer. So, we'll see.

til later......

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