Wednesday, November 09, 2005

More Health Updates

We're all just a little sick here still. Ethan is much better but still has a cough. Dylan and Tod are developing coughs and I have some kind of head cold, sinus thing happening. The boys had an appt with their psychiatrist on Saturday, but his nurse called and cancelled because he cut his finger and was in the ER. The behaviorist was supposed to come Sunday, but she didn't feel well either. Tim says that he and Nancy and Jeff aren't feeling well so I guess whatever it is, it's transcontinental.

I'm still having a difficult time finding a good sitter/helper. Nichole quit yesterday when she didn't show up to work and never called to explain why. I called her but still have not heard anything. The ObGyn set my hysterectomy for Jan. 16th at 7:30 am. Anybody feel like making a trip to the bay area to help Tod? I'm really worried about him trying to keep up at work and keep up with the boys, too. I know from when I was in Rockford this Aug., the boys are much harder to handle than a job! At least that's what Tod told me. I knew it all along. Fortunately they will be in school during the day and the bus takes them to and from. Well, I'm sure something will work out and we will all survive. After all, that's what we do.

till later.....

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