Thursday, November 17, 2005

Busy, Busy Here

Not much time to even think about posting. Ethan had bronchitis, I still have a sinus infection. We've had Dr. appts. and school meetings and our sitter quit. The boys have been on half days at school all week and today was their last day until the Monday after Thanksgiving. I have been wanting to get things ready for the show I'm doing on the 3rd and for the web site. I just yesterday started working on Tod's birthday which is Saturday. I was going to take him to the new Harry Potter movie but we have no sitter. That's it pretty much in a nutshell. Here's some details:

Tod has been busy at work and may not get any time off for Thanksgiving. They've been having lots of failures on product coming from Taiwan, so the QA guy from Taiwan is coming here next week. Happy Turkey Day.

Still looking for a sitter. Anybody want the job? As cheap as air fare is from Chicago to SF right now, we'll even pick up airfare. Or at least part of it. ;-)

The boys' progress reports at school were both good. That's always nice to hear. But they still have a long way to go before they would fit in with NT classmates. There was an article in the SF Chronicle this morning saying that Stanford did a study showing that playing a musical instrument helps auditory processing and reading. We bought the boys little mariachi guitars at the flea market. I hope uncle Tim will teach them to play.

I had a physical yesterday and she sent me to have my foot x-rayed. I hit it against the ladder on the boys' bunk bed and it has hurt for over month now. They haven't called back so it must be ok. She just wanted it checked since it has been bothering me for so long. Otherwise, they took lots of blood and I'm sure I'll be hearing about my cholesterol levels

The weather has been beautiful 75 and sunny every day. Beautiful fall colors, too. Pleasanton Ridge, which you can see from our house, is so pretty at sunrise and sunset. It's nice the boys still get to play outside so much. I can't figure out why the inside is always a mess, though, if they are outside.

til later....

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