Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sometimes An Angel....

Many children with autism have meltdowns because of  limited or no language. Dylan is one of those children. Because he cannot process what he hears as quickly as most, because he cannot filter out background noise, because he has ADHD which makes him impulsive and easily distracted - all of these contribute to Dylan not hearing and understanding, not being able to articulate his wants and needs. It is heartbreaking for us when Dylan's communication is frustrated tears.

There are many communication systems and equipment available. But most, like picture cards, are cumbersome and impractical and the communication devices are expensive. We found out from a friend of ours back home that he was using old iphones for communication devices in the school where he works.   He sent the information to Tod.

Tod set out on a search for a 1st generation iphone; it didn't need phone capability, it just needed to be able to use the apps and Dylan would have a very portable, inexpensive communication device. Searching everywhere - Craigslist, ebay, freecycle - we were shocked at how much people wanted for non working phones that looked like they had been used for hammering nails!  Well over $100, which was more than we have to spend right now. We became disheartened.

At that point I decided that instead of looking for what we needed, I would ask for it. It never hurts to ask, right?  I put a simple Wanted Ad in Craigslist. "Looking for old iphone to use as a communication device for my autistic son. Need not have phone capability, just the ability to use applications." Within the hour I received an email from a woman who wanted to donate her phone to Dylan. She changed carriers and all the phone needed was a charger. What was our address? I couldn't believe it! I sent her our address and a picture of the boys and thanked her profusely.

Today there was a package in the mail with no return address, just the initials C.C. Inside was a practically new, perfect 4G iphone, that latest model Apple makes. This time we were shocked in an altogether different way.

Sometimes an angel comes into your life for just a brief moment and gives you just what you need.

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