Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bowlin', Bowlin', Bowlin' - Gotta Keep a Bowlin'.....

Ethan and Dylan started Special Olympics bowling yesterday. What fun!! They got to wear special shoes and throw, or attempt to throw a bright orange ball on the floor and try to hit a bunch of pins! It was exciting. They were pretty good, too, and if they could just get a little more umph behind their throws, I'm sure more pins would fall over. But the balls were a wee bit slow and by the time they got down the lane, most of them barely touched the pins! After an hour and a half of bowling to get through 5 frames, tragedy struck! Dylan got a little bored and decided to run down the lane after the ball. Anyone who knows anything about bowling lanes knows they are as slippery as oil on ice. I went after him trying not to fall myself, but he went down hard before I could get to him and hit the back of his head on the floor. Tod had to meet me half way down the lane to get him back, because even with tennis shoes I couldn't keep my balance and hold him. Brave Dylan did buck up and finish the frame, but after that both boys were ready to go. We're going to try again next week, but it will be totally up to them if they want to continue.

Update on the school scene: Dylan is doing absolutely fantastic! He is adjusting well to the new school and the new classroom and method of teaching. Ethan on the other hand, has been quite a handful... very defiant, uncooperative and having lots and lots of meltdowns. We're working on the issue with the teacher and the behaviorist at home. There has been talk of putting Ethan back in 1st grade for part of the day since the 1st grade teacher is pretty militant, but I don't think that's the answer. It will just be more change and more adjustment for him. We'll keep you posted.

Avast, ye scalliwags!
Tuesday, September 19 be
International Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Need a quick lesson? Check out
til later....

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