Wednesday, August 16, 2006


My mom is doing ok after her hip surgery. She did need a couple transfusions before they moved her to PA Peterson and that delayed her move by one day. She has physical therapy everyday, but is not sleeping well due to the foam wedge they have between her legs at night. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks!

We took Dylan to a neurologist Monday. She is not a ped neuro but she can see children. Anyway, it is her opinion that Dylan is not having petit mal seizures but partial complex seizures (I think I got the name right). I guess with petit mal, most kids are only out a second or two and then continue with what they were doing with no confusion or memory of anything happening. Dylan has been just spacing out for much longer than a second or two. He is confused and upset when he comes out of it and he sleeps for a long time which is another symptom of partial complex and not petit mal. She wants him to see a ped neuro from Children's Hosp in Oakland, especially because Dylan's language and comprehension skills regress during this time. I have no idea how long the referral will take. They were supposed to send it in this afternoon. Again, I'll keep you posted.

The new school year is looming in front of us. I register the boys on the 22nd and they start school on the 29th. I have asked the teacher if we can meet with her before school starts. Ethan has met her before but Dylan hasn't. Plus Dylan will be changing schools so I want to get pictures to do a social story for him. I hope it works out for both of them to be in the same classroom. Ethan is so eager to jump in and answer questions for Dylan. We are meeting with the SD 30 days after school starts to review the placement.

Well, that's all the news that's fit to print.

til later....


Anonymous said...

I hope the boys like their new school! Also I hope your mom is doin' better. Josh starts UT Martin on August 28th but moves up there the 26th. Sanda said thats where Tod went so thats kinda cool =) Anyway have a GREAT day
<3 Krissy

Shirley said...

Hi kristina! Thanks for writing. My mom is doing better. I try to call her every other day since I can't be with her. I must be hard for you knowing Josh is going away to school. I know Tod is very proud of him for going to University. Take Care!